Matters you should know about for preventing heat stroke while doing sports in summer!
Heat stroke is an emergency, and can be fatal Heat stroke is the human thermoregulatory dysfunction resulting from high temperatures; the accumulat ...Sports injuries – Learn to be your own doctor
As the Chinese saying goes, To know one’s own strength and the enemy’s is the sure way to victory Runners should learn to recognize ...Warm-up exercise is necessary before swimming!
During the swimming competition at the Incheon Asian Games, several athletes, who hadbeen helped by Dr Chen’s studio, won gold medals We ...Matters needing to be noticed for hydrotherapy to reduce back pain.
We have mentioned before that swimming in summer can effectively reduce the symptoms for lower back pain So, when using swimming as a means of ...If you think that water is only good for swimming, you are wrong!!
From an energy consumption point of view, resistance in the water for a person is 12 times greater than that on the ground Therefore, the com ...It is summer! Here is another reason to go swimming - the secret of relieving neck discomfort.
People of modern days focus too much of their attention on the colorful outer world, but they do not notice the gradual degeneration of the ti ...Posture is not only related to beauty
Due to poor life and work habits over the long term, many parts of people& 39;s bodies are deformed, causing static and dynamic posture changes ...The effect of losing fat - swimming
Swimming is a perfect exercise for everyone -- young, old, healthy, injured -- but some people who want to lose fat doubt its effectiveness Fr ...Can doing "stomach crunches" help to reduce belly fat?
Summer is here, and due to the heat, many people suffer from loss of appetite, while more and more people enjoy cool beer and late night snac ...