●Written by Dr. Bob Chen’s STaR Studio
When I first saw Feng Meng, I could pretty much figure out that this boy was related to art because he wore a headband above his delicate face, and this is simply our image of the traditional artist! And later on, I learned that he was indeed a student majoring in film directing.
Once during Aikido training, Feng Meng made his teammate fall, and his teammate accidentally felt on his legs, which led to a tear in the medial and lateral collateral ligaments as well as the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments of his legs. The first phase of the surgery was conducted three days after the incident; they stitched up his medial and lateral collateral ligaments. Two months later, through surgery, they stitched up his anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. During surgery, they discovered that the posterior cruciate ligament had partially grown, so they only operated on the anterior cruciate ligament. The next day after the operation, Feng Meng came to Dr. Chen’s STaR Studio. At that time, his knee joints had swollen up, he did not dare to use his strength, and his feet could not bear weight. After two treatments, his feet could bear some weight. After seven treatments, he could do indoor short-distance walking. After ten treatments, he was able to walk short distances outdoors.
We used anti-inflammation and anti-swelling as the main means of treatment during the early period, and then we began low intensity muscle training, and later transitioned to electrical stimulation treatment, and finally to posture correction and so on.
A month later, when he went back for a follow-up to the Beijing University Third Hospital, where he had had his surgery, a patient who had had the same surgery around the same time as him was still sitting in a wheelchair, while Feng could pretty much walk freely.